

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

final proposal paper !English Fifteen, Section Twenty-Three


MWF 12:20-1:10

302 Willard

Instructor: S. van Stempvoort

Burrowes 236-D sjv145@psu.edu

Office Hours: Tues. 11:00-12:00, Wed. 1:30-3:30, and By Appointment


Welcome to English 15. Welcome, more especially, to the writing community. Throughout the upcoming semester, we will be writing in a variety of mediums and within an assortment of parameters, but for a single purpose; namely, the honing of our rhetorical skill.


We all use rhetoric; we all argue often, and sometimes we even use words. Whether intentionally or inadvertently, we are argumentative beings. The task of the upcoming semester, therefore, is to translate our argumentative nature into a rhetorical one. In other words, we will polish our method of argumentation and make it into an art. We will explore the subtlety of analysis and persuasion rather than the crude bludgeoning of dispute.


This is particularly important at this time in history, as we live constantly barraged by ever-increasing amounts of information and bits of data. One of our main goals will be to equip ourselves with the practical implements to be successful communicators, to comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, and articulate effectively across the disciplines and in our culture at large.


To this end, we’ll critique, analyze, revise, and modify this wiki, our blogs, and various in-class assignments. And, of course, we’ll write.


In the meantime, this is rhetorwiki. Make it yours.



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